About Me
Hello, my name is Bladde (blayd) and I am a filmmaker. I am also, you could say, a drag artist. I choose to appear this way and go by Bladde for my filmwork as it just feels authentic to who I am as an artist. I am from central California and have a background in journalism.
Since I was a kid I’ve been a visual artist. Before I even knew what filmmaking was, I used to grab a cheap camcorder my Nana bought me and create silly horror shorts with fishing line and bedsheets. I would even go as far as burning the little “films” on blank DVDs.
Candidly, filmmaking was not my original plan, I originally started attending college with plans on entering the journalism field after spending the majority of my high school career serving on the student paper. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved film. Throughout my adolescence I was captivated by films like Lake Mungo, The House That Jack Built, Under The Skin, and many more. However, it wasn’t until the Coronavirus pandemic that I was brought back to that passion of filmmaking that was so innate to me as a child.
During the pandemic, I picked up the art of drag and made a name for myself doing what we call digital drag on the live streaming platform Twitch. However, my content differed from my peers as many live streamed video games while appearing in drag or hosted digital drag shows. I got my start in those spaces as well, but my digital drag started to take shape in the form of visual, performance art shows and were quite conceptual in nature. Slowly, but surely, this brought my back to my love of filmmaking.
Eventually, I combined the two and created my first feature length attempt Blood on the Carpet. It was an original piece, but still maintained the drag quality of lip syncing, almost like a weird, arthouse take on a jukebox musical. Since then, I have also made a short feature in the same vein titled Lacuna and launched a YouTube channel centered around film discussion.
​I hope you join me on my journey as I continue to hold discussions about film and create my own.