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About Me

Easier Than Lying Performance_edited.jpg


Thee Shape Shifting Demon

Bladde is a drag visual artist and aspiring filmmaker from California. In drag, Bladde presents as a demon who takes form as a punk rocker, but can shapeshift into a number of beings from a humanoid rat to a demon deity to a glamorous starlet. 


Bladde produces a range of content including a talk show (Mohawk Talk,) visual art pieces (GUT ME,) live drag performances (One Night Only,) a digital drag show (Art Freaks,) films (Close Your Eyes,) with plans to expand even further. 


As of late 2023, Bladde has released five visual art pieces, hosts the Stream Queens Fashion Show and Art Freaks digital drag show, performs in self-produced solo drag shows, directed and wrote a drag art house film titled Blood on the Carpet, and directed and wrote a short horror film titled Close Your Eyes which is now award nominated.

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